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Why doyouagree?
We live in a divided world.
Complicated issues are banalized, nuances are lost, our ability to explore different world views is fading away. Dialogue is replaced by conflict, debate by information bubbles, complexity by polarised perspectives.
This is hindering our capacity to move forward together, fix what is not working in our world. And this is why
we need to change course...
How? By bursting our bubbles, exploring different perspectives, understanding complexity, and turning conflict back into constructive dialogue.
This is why doyouagree? exists.
To be a space for us all to stay curious, engage across the lines and get comfortable with (dis)agreeing
Our Mission
Let's challenge polarization!
At doyouagree? we aim at challenging polarization - by bursting information bubbles on social media and beyond and building mutual understanding across cultural, social and political lines.
We produce engaging polls and nuanced social media content behind the most divisive issues of our time, to challenge different perspectives and empower people to build a bigger picture.
Our mission is to promote dialogue over conflict, respect over polarisation, empathy over divisiveness.
Food for thought...
Discover content challenging our biases
Who we are
Global citizens, experts in policy & passionate communicators
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